2022 Accurl 60 Ton Hydraulic Ironworker

2022 Accurl 60 Ton Hydraulic Ironworker

C$24,000 (CAD)


New Accurl 60 Ton Hydraulic Ironworker

-Punch, Notch, Bend & Shearing Functions

-Comes with 9 Sets of Round Punches and Dies

-Comes with 6" Press Brake Attachment (Multi V Bottom Die)

-Dual Operating with 2 foot Pedals (Punch & Shear at the same time)

-Limit Switches for Stroke Control

-Actuating Back Gauge Switch for Repeat Length Cutting

-Jogging Mode (For Set-ups & Aligning)

-Auto Return Mode (For Productions Runs)

-Hydraulic Hold Downs for Shear

-Shear Blades with 4 Cutting Edges

-Canadian approved electrical components

-Canadian approved safety components

Capacities (Steel):

Punching - 1" dia hole in 5/8" MS

Flat Shearing - 5/8" MS x 10" or 5/16" MS x 15"

Angle Shearing - 4" x 4" x 1/2"

Notching - 3/8" MS

Motor - 4kw / 5.5 HP

Voltage - 220V / 3Ph

Dimensions - 65" x 31" x 70"

Weight - 3527 lbs


Model60 Ton Hydraulic Ironworker
Serial Number20038